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Selling a trademark, LAPPIY (LAPPY) brand, recognizing them

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Selling a trademark, LAPPIY (LAPPY) brand, recognizing them

฿100,000.00 ฿70,000.00

The trademark name is LAPPIY (LAPPY).

Design ideas, trademark names, memorize clothing items LAPPIY we start by using the word rapid, which means fast, fast, and quick, which means apply, which means to apply and use. When combined, Meaning our products bring various materials to clothing To be comfortable to wear and dry quickly

Logo design concepts, trademarks, recognizing clothing items LAPPIY, we put the letters LAPPIY into the logo into an animal named LAPPIY. Can create a story of the brand.

Can be used with clothing products

Sale type Sell

Price 70000 baht

Trademark use This trademark has not been used yet.

Trademark Information

Registration number

Trademark Class 25

Protection of Thailand

Contact info

Name Mr. Adirek Lomwong

Call 0860676078

Email business_noom@hotmail.com

facebook https://www.facebook.com/copy8/


line chokdeeonline

Those interested in inquiring about trademark information that wants to add can contact the above.

Trademark purchase process

1. You select the desired trademark.

2. Contact us to arrange the transfer date.

3. Transfer to the Department of Transfer, similar to the transfer of land, houses

4. You are waiting for the Department to change the name to be yours.

The transfer process is done at the Department of Intellectual Property, there will be a contract, thus ensuring that the trademark is definitely not cheated. Buy a trademark from us. We will issue the transfer cost.

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